I'm working on that...not procrastinating as much. Actually completing my to-do list...or at least getting the most important items out of the way first.

Doesn't this chicken dish look yummy? It's actually quite the semi-homemade meal. I've actually featured it here on The Chic Life before, but my future mother-in-law bought me the most adorable baking set and I had to take more pictures with the one I used for this meal.

A meal is never complete without dessert, right? I don't think it is...I like to say that even when my regular stomach is full, my dessert stomach is waiting to be fed. Does anyone else out there have a "dessert stomach"? Not only do I have one, but I have the worst sweet tooth...I'm a dessert-a-holic, basically.

These are some super yummy Blueberry Dumplings by Paula Deen. They are one of the best desserts you can make on a cold or rainy day it says so on Wikipedia (ok, not really...you caught me fibbing). I'm sure it would be good on a warm day, but it's just so ooey-gooey and warm on your throat...I bet this would be so tastey if you had a cold - one of those colds where you can actually smell and taste food, of course. If you try this recipe, watch out b/c this recipe is super-sweet...I mean really sweet, and that's coming from a self-proclaimed dessert-a-holic, so you know I mean business.
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