This dog needs to be adopted asap. Here's the email I got:
Tammy and I work with the Anderson Humane Society and Tammy has this particular doggie case that is a rush rush for pooch ( read below and see photo)
We are networking him/her but wanted to ask you ( see email from Suzanne?) to see if there was any chance you knew of anyone that could foster or a home for him? Bad thing is we have to do something in a hurry...................
Thank you for your time and if you can please send us an email just letting us know you got this and any suggestions you may have, many thanks again!!!!
Stephanie, Wanda and Angela -
Town of West Pelzer called me this morning saying they have found a stray running around town and caught him. Evidently they have caught him before but he manages to escape from their kennel. They wanted to know if we wanted him because if no one claims him in three days (providing he stays in the kennel) they will take him to the shelter.
Here is the description on him and I have attached the photo they sent to me.
Young dog, probably under a year. Very friendly and used to people apparently. About 2 feet tall, slender, but healthy. Black and white.
Do you know of any possible foster homes or maybe even a permanent home? They only problem is the time....they will only keep him for 3 days.
If anyone knows anyone who would like to adopt a super-cute doggie in the Greenville, SC area, please email me at shopaholicd at gmail dot com and I'll provide contact info for you.
Ugh!!! I hate seeing these dog rescue ads because I always want to take them in (even though Evan would kill me).
I want to have at least five dogs!!!
I know! My SO and I are thinking of adopting, but we can't have any pets over 30lbs in the apartment.
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