I got this fabulous Breast Cancer inspired mosaic from Simply Mein - Isn't it beautiful?
Just a reminder that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I was trying to have an annual Shop for the Cure event (this year would have been my second event, but alas, I couldn't secure my venue in time). That's ok, though, because I'm going to try to work with a larger group to plan something spectacular for next year. In the meantime, there are tons of ways to support Breast Cancer Awareness and research. You can raise money and participate in or donate money to your friends who are doing either the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure or the Avon Walk for Breast cancer - or you could just volunteer at one of the events - volunteers are always needed.
If you're strained on time this year, there are many goods out there you can purchase so a portion of the sales is donated to a good Breast Cancer related charity. I found a bunch of nifty kitchen stuff at Target today all in pink, including this cupcake carrier:

Bialetti Cupcake Carrier (image/item target.com)
I should have gotten this, but nooooo...I just had to get the pink whisk, pink frying pan, pink tongs, and pink scale instead. Maybe next time. Anywho, Bialetti had lots of Breast Cancer related items. I'm not sure if they actually donate a portion of the sales of these items, but they are a sponsor of the National Breast Cancer Foundation, so I guess somewhere down the line they end up donating a portion of sales.
Anyone doing anything special to support Breast Cancer? :)
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