I was kinda going for a sophisticated tropical look in my bedroom...but now that I'm looking at it, I wish I had gone for more of a cottage-y look. Oh well, at least the duvet came out a lot nicer than I thought it would. It's no Pottery Barn, but not too shabby for my first attempt:

A better look of the "patchwork", though I couldn't quite get a good shot of it as I wanted:

Alrighty then...on to some new projects...maybe some paper art or new jewelry designs...hmmm?
I think that your duvet cover came out great! I love the colors. That is a huge project to undertake. I have thought about it a few times, but as I already have a couple I can easily talk myself into other projects instead. Great job!
Why thanks Melisa...how sweet of you to say! it's def a huge project...im glad it's over and i'll prolly never make my own duvet again...lol. i think next project will be a mini-quilt :)
Wow, that's so cute. I love the colors.
Why thank you, Anonymous!
:) D
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