Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I'm Loving This Quilt

Well, here it is...the day I thought would never get here. Mommy fiiiinally finished the pretty baby quilt and I have to say, I've thoroughly been enjoying it.

Wait...WHAT!? What do you mean I have to give it up?

Can't I keep it, mommy...pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? You wouldn't say no to a face like this, would you?

Oh fine! Just take it! You better have some good treats for me leftover in that stocking, though! I'm just sayin...


Catlin said...

Those ears!!

Too cute!

Shopaholic D said...

why, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oh Diana you are killing me with the cuteness of this pup, I love him!!

Shopaholic D said...

lol, Stephanie! thanks!

:) D