Thursday, January 03, 2008

It's All Fun and Games Until...

Here's Bailey looking cute as can be and oh-so-innocent on our couch.

It's all in fun games until someone pees on the couch. Yes folks, that's right, our little angel peed all over our couch last night.

We were mad, but not too mad...How can you stay mad at a face like that? It's impossible!


Sarah said...

SOOOOO cute!!! How old is she?

Shopaholic D said...

It's a he :) And Mr. Bailey is just over 4 months lil baby!

Thanks for stopping by!

:) D

Lys said...

It's hard to stay mad. My super duper must have $$$$ comforter - the cat threw up ALL over while I was at work. Over the comforter, the rug, the sheets (which she was snuggled under), the mattress - EVERYTHING. I was mad for about 2 seconds then got over it. :::sigh::: Pets.

Anonymous said...

Yep... you get a whole year of this... LOL! We have a little chihuahua and he pees on people every once in awhile in the car. It's dramatic when it happens, but I guess he just can't hold it, and then we take a look in those big eyes, and all is forgiven! LOL!

Shopaholic D said...

aww...lys, that stinks! i hope you got it all cleaned up ok! they're worth it, though, right?

aww, missy, that must be tough! bailey has only peed on me so far and only once, but we'll see. what a cute picture of your lil guy staring at you with those big "doe eyes"...aww

:) D

Anonymous said...

I thought of something - since he is a Corgie, and those dogs have short legs, maybe he could not jump off the couch or was afraid to jump off since he has short legs? In essence, then it was not his fault? Just a thought...I'm sure he didn't mean it - he's a baby still. ;-)

Barb said...

I'm sure it was an accident! Cute puppy.

Shopaholic D said...

hehe, yes, it was. Thanks Barb!

:) D